Announcing the Trigon Awards


Artist: Jake Kelly. Click to enlarge.

Spiral Tower Press has established the Trigon Awards to show appreciation for those who champion the past, present, and future of the pulp genres of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror. Trigon awardees demonstrate artistic, intellectual, and passionate commitment to the values celebrated by the sorcerer's mysterious trigon: chronopolitanism, compassion, and hope.

The Trigon Awards will consist of three categories: literary achievement, scholarly achievement, and special achievement.

For the first year, the awardees will be selected by the organizing committee of SpiralCon 1. Future Trigon Awards will be determined by a rotating and anonymous standing committee, "The Trigon Committee," who will nominate and select the awardees with the optional voting and nominating aid of previous awardees. Although there will be no formal nominating process, advice and suggestions will be welcomed by the committee. Nominees will be secret and will not be announced or discussed by the Trigon Committee in public or outside of official internal award-focused discussions. 

The award carries no financial remunerations. Awardees will receive a certificate.

The Trigons will be awarded for the first time this Saturday, July 30th, at SpiralCon 1 at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia.

Spiral Tower Press is an independent press that publishes two free digital zines: Whetstone: Amateur Magazine of Sword and Sorcery and Witch House: Amateur Magazine of Cosmic Horror.